A Case For Independence of Punjab-Khalistan

Former President Council of Khalistan

President Council of Khalistan

The Sikhs need to liberate Punjab-Khalistan from the repressive Indian state as they are slaves in India religiously, economically, linguistically, geographically, and politically. They need an independent country to protect Sikhi and Sikh identity, freedom, justice, and social equality.
The Sikhs need clarity of vision to realize what on the horizon for them on a short and long-term basis. In the short term their religion, language, and means of sustenance are at stake. In the long term their identity and uniqueness are danger of extinction if they fail to act decisively in a timely fashion. They ought to look at the bigger picture of their future and the long history of their struggle for survival and protection of their faith from the perpetual attacks by the hawkish enemies surrounding them. They also need to recognize the enemy surrounding them and the enemy within.
They need to realize the real meaning of the teachings of the Sikh Gurus; their vision of the altruistic society; their struggle, peaceful and armed; sacrifices to protect their faith; to uplift the downtrodden; and their firm resolve in the extremes of adversity.
The Indian government has been attacking Sikh institutions killing thousands of innocent unarmed Sikhs at will with impunity since 1947 and beyond.
They just can’t just interpret Sikhi (Sikhism) based on their narrow self-interests, confining it to justify their own actions or thoughts. The eleven Sikh gurus, eleventh being, ‘The Sikh Holy Scripture’ reflect the same divine illumination that cannot be interpreted with a thought of divergence in their teaching.
People need to realize the lesson from the history of mankind that only the armed prophets succeeded in their missions which the Sikh gurus not only understood but also acted accordingly to protect themselves from the tyrants visible or invisible. And the concept of those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it. Lest we ignore our long struggle for freedom and justice.
Below is a compelling argument for Independent Punjab-Khalistan.
The Indian government has been attacking Sikh institutions killing thousands of innocent unarmed Sikhs at will with impunity since 1947. India controls Punjab's economy by looting its natural resources by violating riparian rights and setting price of produce and fertilizers unfavorable to the farmers, the root cause of very high rate of suicide among the Punjabi peasants. India is destroying our mother tongue Punjabi. Desecration of Sri Guru Granth sahib is all too common. Sikh leadership of Punjab has sold itself to India for personal gains ignoring the very rights of the people they are elected to protect and represent.
Guru Gobind Singh declared that people need political freedom to protect their faith. Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale said, “Indian government attack on Harmandar Sahib will lay down the foundation of independent Khalistan.” So, it did in June 1984 and now it is our responsibility to build this country. On January 26, 1986 Sarbat Khalsa made a resolution of Independent Khalistan. On April 29, 1986 Sarbat Khalsa made a declaration of independent Khalistan from Akal Takhat, Harmandar Sahib Amritsar.
In November 2015, a Sarbat Khalsa (global Sikh congregation) in Amritsar district adopted 13 resolutions to strengthen Sikh institutions and traditions. The twelfth resolution in this document reaffirmed the resolution already adopted by Sarbat Khalsa in 1986, the pursuit of the sovereign State of Khalistan.
The Indian government has declared a war on the Sikhs on multiple fronts, open and hidden.
Systematic Defamation of Sikhs and Fabrication of Lies
India wants to label Sikhs as terrorists. But in reality who is the terrorist? By killing hundreds of thousands of Sikhs since 1947 clearly India holds this title.
India is the terrorist state and Sikhs are victims of Indian terrorism.
Guru Gobind Singh
Guru Gobind Singh who fought fourteen battles, after leaving Chamkaur Sahib said, “One must be ready to die to protect one’s faith and the righteous cause." He also said that one cannot protect his/her religion without political power.
Guru Hargobind Sahib
When Guru Hargobind Sahib met Shah Daula in the South, he was astonished to see Guru Hargobind Sahib and questioned the Guru, “You are married and have kids, you are well dressed with two swords and plume in your turban, and you have money, how do you call yourself a Guru?
Guru Sahib answered, “Wife is a man’s conscience, and kids carry his memories, wealth enables him to live and buy swords, and the swords are needed to control the tyrants.”
And from time to time Sikhs have done, what they had to do to protect Sikhi and the Khalsa Panth. Guru Gobind Singh fought 14 battles against the Hindu Hill-Kings and won them all. Guru Har Gobind won four battles against the Mughals. It was Bhagat Singh who bombed the British Capital of Lahore and shook the roots of the British Empire. It was Bhai Udham Singh who shot Governor Michael O’Dwyer in London on 13 March 1940, at point-blank range and the whole of India breathed a sigh of relief and felt that their persecution would soon end. The sacrifices of Bhai Satwant Singh and Bhai Beant Singh, Bhai Sukha and Bhai Jinda, and hundreds of thousands of other martyrs have borne fruit. As goes the proverb, “Those who dare, win.” Sikhs are daring people. They can win independent Khalistan.
Modi’s party BJP wants to make India a Hindu country. Nor does India consider Sikhs as Sikhs. Section 25-b of Indian constitution treats us as Hindu. What more can Indian Government do to make Sikhs realize that they are slaves? Nothing, they have already tried everything else.
They have done everything…and failed. May be a nuclear bomb is next, because India has used everything else. But India would probably not do that knowing so well that they could never win a ground war against Pakistan without Sikhs no matter how many atoms bombs they deploy. But when Khalistan is reality, they would not have to worry about fighting wars with Pakistan, Punjab serving as a buffer state between the two.